Monday, July 21, 2014


week 28

Hello friends and family! This week was slow because I was sick for more than half the week. I ended up having a 100.1 fever last monday, but i bought some medicine and went down pretty fast. But i had a pretty bad sore throat for a couple days and it was pretty bad. But I pushed myself to do missionary work. 

Right now, my comp and I are focusing on the members and helping them be excited for missionary work. We have usually 4 activities every week that the members can come and have fun and invite their friends. This week, we started our English Class at the church. In our first class on Tuesday, we had about 17 people come. It was awesome! I taught them how to introduce themselves and ask simple questions when meeting someone. Wednesday we have Noite Familiar (Family Home Evening) and almost 20 members came to that too! we hold FHE´s in members houses so it was cool to see 20 people in one house! ! Another activity is Sports night, on Thursdays. Since this is a new activity too, not many people come. But this week, we had almost 20 people come play ping pong, soccer, volleyball, and other stuff. Yay! Then Friday we had English class again! 

Saturday was a birthday of a young woman here in my branch. All 4 missionaries went to her families house saturday and it was a good time!! 

During church, the husband and wife that went to the Temple last week bore their testimonies and I cried when the wife gave hers. I love them!

Thats all for this week. I love yall and next week are transfers so im not sure when ill be on next week. Thank you and God bless.

Com Amor,

Elder Marstella  

Monday, July 14, 2014


Week 27

This week was a sad one for sure. haha Brasil played awful in the 2 games they played this week, so everyone was pretty annoyed with that. I made sure the members knew that the US lost 1-0 to Germany, therefore USA is better than Brasil. haha This week went by fast because werent allowed to go out teaching during the 2 Brasil games. 

 Anyways, this week was pretty good other than that...

Today I have a slight fever and im not feeling well so i probably wont write alot. 

Thursday we did service at Branch President´s house. Elder Kay told  me that President Paulo built his house all by himself. Now he is building an extra part to the back of the house and wanted our help. I took alot of photos with one of his daughters while we rested. 

We officially announced that we are going to be having an English Class, with the best professor ever, me. haha Our first class is Tuesday night so we will see how that goes. We are inviting everyone we talk to and the members are inviting all of their friends too! We are having class every Tuesday and Friday so thatll be fun! 

Ohh Im sending some pictures of Rio de Paraguai (River of Paraguay) haha. Its a pretty big river! 

We taught Diani and her mom again this week. We taught the Gospel of Jesus Christ and focused on baptism and going to church. They both know baptism is important, but they like to sleep in on Sundays and church is at 8:30 am... so we have to find a way to get them to church. haha They didnt go yesterday, so we will see what happens. 

Ohhh a family that went to the Campinas Temple returned Saturday night. We visited them last night and they absolutely loved the Temple! There, they were sealed as a family for not only this life, but for all eternity! I love and miss the Temple, but I get so happy when I see families go there! 

Im glad my family is together forever! And im glad they all got to be together this week during our Family Reunion! Thats all for this week!

I love yall!
Com amor,
Elder Marstella 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014


week 26

This week was a slow one again, but I have some good news! The members right behind our house, who we love, left for the Temple this week to be sealed together as a family for not just this life, but for the next one too! They were baptized last year and are now able to go!! YAY!! I am so happy for them!

And of course, BRASIL IS STILL IN THE WORLD CUP. Oh man people down here are really hyped! Me included. haha It sucks that the US lost, but I still have Brasil! I know they will win it!!

So this week we focused our work on less-actives. I met some really cool people! I met one family with a 8 year old daughter and I just played with her while my comp was talking with the dad. I tried to pay attention to the dad, but the daughter kept wanting my attention, which was funny, so I just played with her. 

Ohhh, tomorrow is officially my 6th month anniversary here on my mission!! Wow... where has the time gone? Looking back, I would say learning Portuguese is the hardest thing ive ever done haha. And im still working on it. 

Hopefully this time next week we will all be celebrating a Brasil Win in the championship game of the World Cup. Thats all for this week.

I love yall so much and goooooo Brasil!

Com Amor,
Elder Marstella 

Im including some pictures of this week. Last pday we went to the River of Paraguay. it was pretty cool. haha anther photo is of Livinia and me (she is part of the family that left for the temple this week), and 2 kids who are from São Paulo who were visiting Cacéres with their family. And they love Xbox and Call of Duty so i was able to share my passion with them. haha They are awesome and super funny. Thats all for this week!